Saturday, June 21, 2008

the unnecessary.!.

1. Pubic hair... (i mean wtf is that about? why do people still have it?)

2. Celery .. taste like snots.!

3. Culture Club/ Boy George.. (i honestly do not see the fascination at all)

4. Madonna.. was good in her days, way over rated though.

5. Smelly unclean armpits.. Go wash yourself,, you smelly bastard!

6. Clowns.. they are not amusing, they do not makes kids laugh, they only give you fucking nightmares...!

7. Ear / Nostral Hair ... (i dont need to explain.)

8. Loud people... even if you have hearing problems, its still not enough excuse..

9. Feeding kids crap instead of food... I'm sure we're all intelligent enough to understand that one..

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