jadual cuti aku agak gempak la..
pergi happening dgn kwn2 siang dan mlm.
tlg my kazens kms kn rmh.
tlg mkn d rmh knduri uncle.
argh..sgt ful jadual cuti.
tapi aku sgt hvg fun.
hari ni da stt krja.
agk busy sbb student da mula mndftr.
tapi tkpe, mengenangkan khamis ni ada lagi holidae buat aku..
kita lyn je bekerja 2 hari ni..
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Aku seorang Office Guidance
Hari ni aku la secretary, akula boss..
Aku jugakla operator.
Sememangnya sangat mencabar..
Tapi ini semua adalah pengalaman.
Walaupun tak seberapa nak indah..
Pengalaman hidup mana boleh dijual beli.
Kepada kawan2 dan teman ku,
Aku harap kalian baek2 saja hari ini.
Aku jugakla operator.
Sememangnya sangat mencabar..
Tapi ini semua adalah pengalaman.
Walaupun tak seberapa nak indah..
Pengalaman hidup mana boleh dijual beli.
Kepada kawan2 dan teman ku,
Aku harap kalian baek2 saja hari ini.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Biasa org Monday Blues tapi aku Monday in Coklat.!
Kenapa aku monday in coklat?
Sebab pagi ni, aku pakai serba coklat gi work...
Dari baju smpai ke handbeg.
Pagi2 pun da amek coklat as bfast.
Konon memberi tenaga..
Aku rasa itu adalah fakta.
Tapi biasa la da nama nye monday..
Agak kebiruan jugakla nak start kerja.
Awal pagi da start busy.
Tapi awal pagi mood aku cam tercalar sikit la dengan perlakuan teman aku..
Aku tau dia sakit perut disyaki ada batu dalam hempedu.
Tapi dia punya emosi, aku sekali terlibat.
Nasib baik dia sedar diri, jadi aku da kembali senyum.
Kawan-kawan, senyum dan ceria seperti matahari ok?
Have a great day.!
Sebab pagi ni, aku pakai serba coklat gi work...
Dari baju smpai ke handbeg.
Pagi2 pun da amek coklat as bfast.
Konon memberi tenaga..
Aku rasa itu adalah fakta.
Tapi biasa la da nama nye monday..
Agak kebiruan jugakla nak start kerja.
Awal pagi da start busy.
Tapi awal pagi mood aku cam tercalar sikit la dengan perlakuan teman aku..
Aku tau dia sakit perut disyaki ada batu dalam hempedu.
Tapi dia punya emosi, aku sekali terlibat.
Nasib baik dia sedar diri, jadi aku da kembali senyum.
Kawan-kawan, senyum dan ceria seperti matahari ok?
Have a great day.!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Jiwa Kacau
Hari ni, betul2 jiwa kacau.
Mana taknya, ingat nak bangun lambat, maklumla kan cuti..
Da dikejutkan dengan msg2 nak tanya pasal sewa rumah..
Bila aku tak balas, dia maen miskol pulak..
Pastu demand plak tu..
Tanya itu ini tapi at last, ckp kalau jadi saya beritahu kemudian.
What the F?
And then, mom call plak..itu aku tak marah la.
Dari nak bangun lmbt, terus tak blh tido..
Apa lagi, bangun awl layan kartun la..
Dak rmh yg len pun turut bgun sekali.
Waney ajak gi times square.
Mulanya aku nak gak pergi..after watch kartun, bfast time nak shower, received msg from aunty plak..nak dtg rumah. Ades..
Aunty aku nih, ckp nak dtg tgh hari, agak ptg baru sampai.. kul 4 ptg.
Borak dlm sejam gak la..
(Waney, am sori tkdpt jmpa u)
Pas kepulangan aunty, i lepak kat rumah..then 5.45 pm aku gi joging kat tasek depan rumah aku tu..Jiwa kacau betul. Sib baek kat tasek tu ramai org.. Hilang sikit kekacauan dlm jiwa.
3 round gak aku pusing. Mmg puas hati.!
Mana taknya, ingat nak bangun lambat, maklumla kan cuti..
Da dikejutkan dengan msg2 nak tanya pasal sewa rumah..
Bila aku tak balas, dia maen miskol pulak..
Pastu demand plak tu..
Tanya itu ini tapi at last, ckp kalau jadi saya beritahu kemudian.
What the F?
And then, mom call plak..itu aku tak marah la.
Dari nak bangun lmbt, terus tak blh tido..
Apa lagi, bangun awl layan kartun la..
Dak rmh yg len pun turut bgun sekali.
Waney ajak gi times square.
Mulanya aku nak gak pergi..after watch kartun, bfast time nak shower, received msg from aunty plak..nak dtg rumah. Ades..
Aunty aku nih, ckp nak dtg tgh hari, agak ptg baru sampai.. kul 4 ptg.
Borak dlm sejam gak la..
(Waney, am sori tkdpt jmpa u)
Pas kepulangan aunty, i lepak kat rumah..then 5.45 pm aku gi joging kat tasek depan rumah aku tu..Jiwa kacau betul. Sib baek kat tasek tu ramai org.. Hilang sikit kekacauan dlm jiwa.
3 round gak aku pusing. Mmg puas hati.!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Al-Fatihah buat Arwah Syed Abhar
Berita yang paling mengejutkan aku harini
Kematian cousin aku yang berada di Jengka, Pahang.
Arwah pergi tanpa kedua parents nya yang menunaikan kewajipan di tanah suci Mekah pada ketika ini.
Aku tahu arwah mempunyai sejenis sindrom tapi tak pasti nama sindrom itu.
Arwah yang pada awalnya normal, mendapat sindrom itu pada tahun lalu.
Dari lahir, awal normal tapi apabila diserang sindrom itu, arwah tak dapat melihat..Ya Allah, begitu hebat dugaan yang kau berikan kepada kanak2 yang baru berusia 12tahun..
Tapi aku betul2 kagum dengan semangat arwah. Dia tak pernah berasa takut atau kesal apa yang berlaku pada dirinya..
Walaupun arwah dah tak nampak, lagaknya macam biasa.
Kalau aku teringat akan hal arwah, pasti tertawa..
3hari sebelum kematian arwah, aku ada mendapat mimpi seseorang yang aku kenal meninggal.
Tak sangka itu petanda kematian arwah.
Percaya atau tidak,
Arwah Abhar pergi meninggalkan kami semua.
Aku berdoa dia ditempatkan dengan orang yang bertaqwa dan beriman.
kasih sayang dari,
Kematian cousin aku yang berada di Jengka, Pahang.
Arwah pergi tanpa kedua parents nya yang menunaikan kewajipan di tanah suci Mekah pada ketika ini.
Aku tahu arwah mempunyai sejenis sindrom tapi tak pasti nama sindrom itu.
Arwah yang pada awalnya normal, mendapat sindrom itu pada tahun lalu.
Dari lahir, awal normal tapi apabila diserang sindrom itu, arwah tak dapat melihat..Ya Allah, begitu hebat dugaan yang kau berikan kepada kanak2 yang baru berusia 12tahun..
Tapi aku betul2 kagum dengan semangat arwah. Dia tak pernah berasa takut atau kesal apa yang berlaku pada dirinya..
Walaupun arwah dah tak nampak, lagaknya macam biasa.
Kalau aku teringat akan hal arwah, pasti tertawa..
3hari sebelum kematian arwah, aku ada mendapat mimpi seseorang yang aku kenal meninggal.
Tak sangka itu petanda kematian arwah.
Percaya atau tidak,
Arwah Abhar pergi meninggalkan kami semua.
Aku berdoa dia ditempatkan dengan orang yang bertaqwa dan beriman.
kasih sayang dari,
Friday, December 19, 2008
Alhamdulillah .. Graduate suda..
Smua da pun selesai.
Bersyukur pada Allah s.w.t. dapat jugak berkonvo nx yr.
Walaupun mlm tadi mum yang check kan for me..
Tapi i knw she's happy tgk result i.
Smlm adalah hari yang menggembirakan i.
Macam nak melompat dari tempat yg plg tinggi dan terbang melayang..
Perasaan yang sgt happy.
Dan sekarang, aku perlu job hunting.
Kepada kawan yang sudi baca blog nih, if ada vacancy, sila2 la bitau i.
Smua da pun selesai.
Bersyukur pada Allah s.w.t. dapat jugak berkonvo nx yr.
Walaupun mlm tadi mum yang check kan for me..
Tapi i knw she's happy tgk result i.
Smlm adalah hari yang menggembirakan i.
Macam nak melompat dari tempat yg plg tinggi dan terbang melayang..
Perasaan yang sgt happy.
Dan sekarang, aku perlu job hunting.
Kepada kawan yang sudi baca blog nih, if ada vacancy, sila2 la bitau i.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
What the F? Geram Seyh!
I sangat geram nih.
Da la rasa tak sihat je pagi ni.
Tunggu result exam pun tak kuar2 dari semalam.
Nak anta resume pun jadi sangkut semua nye.
Bikin panas dalam ati.
Tapi masih ada kesabaran dalam jiwa yang kacau ini.
Thx mother for your concern.
I love u.
I do really missed mum and dad.
Sampai termimpi2 dibuat nya mlm tadi.
Da la rasa tak sihat je pagi ni.
Tunggu result exam pun tak kuar2 dari semalam.
Nak anta resume pun jadi sangkut semua nye.
Bikin panas dalam ati.
Tapi masih ada kesabaran dalam jiwa yang kacau ini.
Thx mother for your concern.
I love u.
I do really missed mum and dad.
Sampai termimpi2 dibuat nya mlm tadi.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Selamat Pagi
Permulaan setiap hari bermula dengan pagi.
PAgi ni, rutin aku mcm biasa. Pergi civil engineering school.
tunggu access door buka, and thumbprint.
on pc, buat kopi.
log in fs, ms and blog.
tapi pagi ni, aku baca blog kwn aku.
ada kesedihan dlm penulisan dia tapi i tink da tiba masa utk dia buat perkara tu.
aku tk kata aku tk sedih tapi apa pun yg dia nak buat,aku akn support dia.
walaupun aku tk berapa rapat dgn dia tapi bagi aku, dia adalah kwn ku.
kdg2 hidup mmg tak adil.
kita mencintai tapi tk dicintai sama seperti itu.
tapi yang aku tau, cinta lengkapi hidup kita.
datang dan pergi..
life must go on... hanya diri sendiri yang boleh menentukan jln yang hendak dipilih.
gudluck to me and to all fwends.!
Permulaan setiap hari bermula dengan pagi.
PAgi ni, rutin aku mcm biasa. Pergi civil engineering school.
tunggu access door buka, and thumbprint.
on pc, buat kopi.
log in fs, ms and blog.
tapi pagi ni, aku baca blog kwn aku.
ada kesedihan dlm penulisan dia tapi i tink da tiba masa utk dia buat perkara tu.
aku tk kata aku tk sedih tapi apa pun yg dia nak buat,aku akn support dia.
walaupun aku tk berapa rapat dgn dia tapi bagi aku, dia adalah kwn ku.
kdg2 hidup mmg tak adil.
kita mencintai tapi tk dicintai sama seperti itu.
tapi yang aku tau, cinta lengkapi hidup kita.
datang dan pergi..
life must go on... hanya diri sendiri yang boleh menentukan jln yang hendak dipilih.
gudluck to me and to all fwends.!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Macam mimpi..
After more than 4 years baru aku dapat jumpa kwn2 baik aku.
Walaupun hanya rapat dalam tempoh yang singkat tapi aku boleh katakan mereka adalah teman gembira dan sedih ku.
Aku boleh berkongsi gelak ketawa dan air mata bersama teman2ku.
Terima kasih kerana kalian masih seperti dulu.
Aku sangat bersyukur dengan kehadiran kalian dalam hidupku..
Friends Forever.
Dedicate for Betty, Edy, Nuyu, Yusz, Wan, Abby and Lynie.
Macam mimpi..
After more than 4 years baru aku dapat jumpa kwn2 baik aku.
Walaupun hanya rapat dalam tempoh yang singkat tapi aku boleh katakan mereka adalah teman gembira dan sedih ku.
Aku boleh berkongsi gelak ketawa dan air mata bersama teman2ku.
Terima kasih kerana kalian masih seperti dulu.
Aku sangat bersyukur dengan kehadiran kalian dalam hidupku..
Friends Forever.
Dedicate for Betty, Edy, Nuyu, Yusz, Wan, Abby and Lynie.
Friday, December 5, 2008
I think this is cute....and it's true.
1. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 5 orang dalam dunia menyayangi anda dan sanggup mati kerana anda.
2. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.
3. Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda adalah kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda
4. Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang, walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.
5. Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur.
6. Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.
7. Kalau bukan kerana anda,seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.
8. Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik
9. Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.
10. Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmah sebaliknya.
11. Sekiranya anda merasakan andadipinggirkan, fikirkan semula;mungkin anda yang meminggirkan mereka.
12. Apabila anda terfikir anda tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini,mungkin anda tidak akan memperolehinya, tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendiri lambat laun anda akan memperolehinya.
13. Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima. Lupakan segala maki hamun, caci umpat cela.
14. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda; anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.
15. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah yang terbaik.Hanya seminit diperlukan untuk mendapat sahabat baik,sejam untuk menghargainya, sehari untuk teman tetap paling setia.walaupn punya harta yang banyak,teman tetap paling berharga
2. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.
3. Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda adalah kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda
4. Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang, walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.
5. Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur.
6. Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.
7. Kalau bukan kerana anda,seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.
8. Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik
9. Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.
10. Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmah sebaliknya.
11. Sekiranya anda merasakan andadipinggirkan, fikirkan semula;mungkin anda yang meminggirkan mereka.
12. Apabila anda terfikir anda tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini,mungkin anda tidak akan memperolehinya, tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendiri lambat laun anda akan memperolehinya.
13. Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima. Lupakan segala maki hamun, caci umpat cela.
14. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda; anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.
15. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah yang terbaik.Hanya seminit diperlukan untuk mendapat sahabat baik,sejam untuk menghargainya, sehari untuk teman tetap paling setia.walaupn punya harta yang banyak,teman tetap paling berharga
Monday, December 1, 2008
1st December 2008
i just wanna welcoming december..
lots of things happen in november..
good things and bad things...its all about experiences..
i still love myself, parents and friends... hurmmm special person? am not sure.?
Live to Fullest.!
lots of things happen in november..
good things and bad things...its all about experiences..
i still love myself, parents and friends... hurmmm special person? am not sure.?
Live to Fullest.!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday Blue
sgt lama tk menaip kat sini rasa semacam je..
dis is my 2 nd week kerja kat civil engineering faculty.
walaupun las week i just kerja 2 days and half day jew, tapi sgt mcm2 experience and knowledge that i gain.
pagi ini sgt la sepi tambahan pula ujan yg ala2 renyai tapi ada gak yang kata gerimis..
to all my fwend yang sudi baca blog i nih, happy working ea.
kip smiling and rock the world.!
sgt lama tk menaip kat sini rasa semacam je..
dis is my 2 nd week kerja kat civil engineering faculty.
walaupun las week i just kerja 2 days and half day jew, tapi sgt mcm2 experience and knowledge that i gain.
pagi ini sgt la sepi tambahan pula ujan yg ala2 renyai tapi ada gak yang kata gerimis..
to all my fwend yang sudi baca blog i nih, happy working ea.
kip smiling and rock the world.!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
OM Family Day.

Agak memenatkan..
Biasa la nama nye pun da family day,,
kena pulak i terlibat as volunteer..walaupun penat tapi sangat berbaloi.
sangat happy wit fwends and lecturers even my faculty dean also sgt kegirangan.
after family day end at 1pm,
i teman kan c yati pergi subang..rumah her future mother in law..oppss.
tapi bes jugak mee kari masakan future mother in law yati..
sgt kenyang seyh..
Biasa la nama nye pun da family day,,
kena pulak i terlibat as volunteer..walaupun penat tapi sangat berbaloi.
sangat happy wit fwends and lecturers even my faculty dean also sgt kegirangan.
after family day end at 1pm,
i teman kan c yati pergi subang..rumah her future mother in law..oppss.
tapi bes jugak mee kari masakan future mother in law yati..
sgt kenyang seyh..
Friday, October 17, 2008
TEST System Analysis Design (SAD)
To all my fellows friends..
Test SAD this eve,
i wish all the best and gudluck to all of you
and for me too.!
i need those wishes..
pray 4 me!
Test SAD this eve,
i wish all the best and gudluck to all of you
and for me too.!
i need those wishes..
pray 4 me!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Salam Lebaran
buat semua teman, dikesempatan ini, i nak ucap salam lebaran buat anda semua..
tersangat la busy dari bulan ramadhan al-mubarak sampai la ketika dan detik ini..
i hampir terlupa kewujudan blog ini..
amboi, sibuk nye..
al-maklumla semester akhir kan..
kepada kawan2 yang buat rumah terbuka raya tu,jgnla lupa nak jemput i ok..
kepada yang dah buat rumah terbuka tu pulak, terima kasih sudi invite i..
special thx to: ct fairuz, stella, fairous, aldurra, cik im, cik sry ...rumah terbuka yg havoc.!
buat semua teman, dikesempatan ini, i nak ucap salam lebaran buat anda semua..
tersangat la busy dari bulan ramadhan al-mubarak sampai la ketika dan detik ini..
i hampir terlupa kewujudan blog ini..
amboi, sibuk nye..
al-maklumla semester akhir kan..
kepada kawan2 yang buat rumah terbuka raya tu,jgnla lupa nak jemput i ok..
kepada yang dah buat rumah terbuka tu pulak, terima kasih sudi invite i..
special thx to: ct fairuz, stella, fairous, aldurra, cik im, cik sry ...rumah terbuka yg havoc.!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mamma Mia
i watch mamma mia movie today..
with hby, and along family..
sgt best..
along kids - qaseh & cinta..(u are awesome!)
i watch mamma mia movie today..
with hby, and along family..
sgt best..
along kids - qaseh & cinta..(u are awesome!)
class on saturday.!
sgt la kebosanan..
ada class on saturday..
tapi the best part, result quiz bole la wat tersenyum sikit..
padahal bole dapat yg lebih elok tapi itu je yg mampu buat on that day..
after clas, aku, zara, madiah and lisa ada group discussion..
tapi las2 aku and zara melepet kat depan pc mentenet sambil cari idea nak wat report..
da nama bulan ramadhan kan.. so, bila da puasa, alasan utk tidak byk idea mmg la selalu diungkapkan..
tapi as long kerja lalala siap,...Not a big deal.!
okla, nak sambung wat asignment..
ada class on saturday..
tapi the best part, result quiz bole la wat tersenyum sikit..
padahal bole dapat yg lebih elok tapi itu je yg mampu buat on that day..
after clas, aku, zara, madiah and lisa ada group discussion..
tapi las2 aku and zara melepet kat depan pc mentenet sambil cari idea nak wat report..
da nama bulan ramadhan kan.. so, bila da puasa, alasan utk tidak byk idea mmg la selalu diungkapkan..
tapi as long kerja lalala siap,...Not a big deal.!
okla, nak sambung wat asignment..
Sunday, September 7, 2008
ordinary sunday
nothing much i do today..
just wash all bucuk clothes..
then, wat assignment and homework..
now lepak kat cc.
checking email n etc.
a bit bored la coz network a bit slow here.
just wash all bucuk clothes..
then, wat assignment and homework..
now lepak kat cc.
checking email n etc.
a bit bored la coz network a bit slow here.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
padini sale.!
hoho after test SAD je pagi tadi,
terus pergi glenmary..
hujan agak lebat pun redah jela..
konon padini wat sale..
las2 beli selipar je..
agak sesak jgkla..
tapi perasaan marah and kecewa dpt dikawal..
**kpd kwnku yg mengambil kesempatan suruh aku byr tali pinggang padini tu, jgn hrp aku nk tlg byr lagi ea...
terus pergi glenmary..
hujan agak lebat pun redah jela..
konon padini wat sale..
las2 beli selipar je..
agak sesak jgkla..
tapi perasaan marah and kecewa dpt dikawal..
**kpd kwnku yg mengambil kesempatan suruh aku byr tali pinggang padini tu, jgn hrp aku nk tlg byr lagi ea...
Friday, September 5, 2008
My septEMBER
last nite...
my ex-bf called me and want me back.!
surprise? not really coz i knw he always missed me.
but after wht he done,
hurt me, hurt my mum and dad feeling..
yes, i can forgive u..
but i cant forget wht u done..
So Long...
no more chance for u.
my ex-bf called me and want me back.!
surprise? not really coz i knw he always missed me.
but after wht he done,
hurt me, hurt my mum and dad feeling..
yes, i can forgive u..
but i cant forget wht u done..
So Long...
no more chance for u.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
...Back To School...
Last day at home...
So sad..
Mum macam biasa, tolong packing barang aku.
Hajat semua pun tercapai la.
Mum sibuk masak kat dapur,
aku mentenet sini..
Esk clas da start da..
Kwn2, tunggu ya, am coming back to school..
So sad..
Mum macam biasa, tolong packing barang aku.
Hajat semua pun tercapai la.
Mum sibuk masak kat dapur,
aku mentenet sini..
Esk clas da start da..
Kwn2, tunggu ya, am coming back to school..
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Death Race
alu and sis tgk death race.
mmg sgt awesome.!
suggest to all fwends yg terbaca blog ni, tgk la mvie death race..
sgtla bes bit stil bwh dark knight and wall.e
but i give 4 star la for this mvie.
then, after watch mvie..
me and sis mandi hujan lagi..
then mkn, mkn yg asik mkn.
i'm glad my sis having great time with me..
walaupun kami org ada mengalami eksiden kecil..
sibbaek kreta tk calar..
ehehehe..apa2 pun, harini mmg paling bes la kuar jln2, mkn2 smpi dad n mum bising suruh balik..ekeke..jgn mrh ya mum, dad..
sampai masa nak tido da nih..
coz i'm so fuckin' tired..
sleep with smile.
alu and sis tgk death race.
mmg sgt awesome.!
suggest to all fwends yg terbaca blog ni, tgk la mvie death race..
sgtla bes bit stil bwh dark knight and wall.e
but i give 4 star la for this mvie.
then, after watch mvie..
me and sis mandi hujan lagi..
then mkn, mkn yg asik mkn.
i'm glad my sis having great time with me..
walaupun kami org ada mengalami eksiden kecil..
sibbaek kreta tk calar..
ehehehe..apa2 pun, harini mmg paling bes la kuar jln2, mkn2 smpi dad n mum bising suruh balik..ekeke..jgn mrh ya mum, dad..
sampai masa nak tido da nih..
coz i'm so fuckin' tired..
sleep with smile.
Friday, August 22, 2008
...Kerang Bakar....
Dapat jugak mkn kerang bakar harini..
Smpat bakar sebelum ujan lunch tadi..
Mcm lepas hajat nak makan kerang bakar.
Nothing much yg i buat harini..
Selain prepared lunch, i just listening to mp3.
My sis ajak tgk death race esk..
If got tix, dating la dgn sis esk..
Yela, sunday da nak blk Sh alam..
huhuhu..mcm malas je nak packing blk lagi..
So, maybe ptg ni maen badminton lagi kalau tk ujan la..
**Syamil, thx for callin' tadi.. I mish u sgt2. Lunch sorg2 ea, kasian dia.
Smpat bakar sebelum ujan lunch tadi..
Mcm lepas hajat nak makan kerang bakar.
Nothing much yg i buat harini..
Selain prepared lunch, i just listening to mp3.
My sis ajak tgk death race esk..
If got tix, dating la dgn sis esk..
Yela, sunday da nak blk Sh alam..
huhuhu..mcm malas je nak packing blk lagi..
So, maybe ptg ni maen badminton lagi kalau tk ujan la..
**Syamil, thx for callin' tadi.. I mish u sgt2. Lunch sorg2 ea, kasian dia.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Like Only A Woman Can...

I wasn't perfect
I done a lot of stupid things
Still no angel
I done a lot of stupid things
Still no angel
I wasn't looking for forgiveness
I wasn't laid up by my pride
I wasn't laid up by my pride
Just shocked by her attention
Did someone sign me up for love?
I didn't want it
But now I can't live without it
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
She's kinda perfect
She's kinda everything
I'm not
Yes, she's an angel
It's amazing how she's patient
Even more at times
I'm not
She's my conscience
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her..
**This song Hudzrul Izmin dedicated to me..
** Thx babe.. i love u.
Did someone sign me up for love?
I didn't want it
But now I can't live without it
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
She's kinda perfect
She's kinda everything
I'm not
Yes, she's an angel
It's amazing how she's patient
Even more at times
I'm not
She's my conscience
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her..
**This song Hudzrul Izmin dedicated to me..
** Thx babe.. i love u.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Years come and go,
But today is a special day,
Double match.
It happens only once in a lifetime.
To all friends and family,
I wish you all have good health, wealth and blessing frm Allah s.w.t.
But today is a special day,
Double match.
It happens only once in a lifetime.
To all friends and family,
I wish you all have good health, wealth and blessing frm Allah s.w.t.
Monday, August 18, 2008
gudbye monday..
hari ni sgt bes tido coz its rainy day..
bangun pun da kul 11 pagi..
tapi bgun utk solat subuh and bagi cat mamam..
then slip til 11 am.
da lapar sgt tu..buat la rajin masak pe yg ptut ada lauk ikan n ayam lagi tau.
(pandai jugak aku masak ea..hehehe..pujila sikit)
then, after mkn2, on9 kejap before ada incoming call frm Z.A...
yang paling bes dapat maen badminton today wit my bro..
sampai lewat ptg maen dgn dia..
lama da tak berpaluh mcm tadi..
mlm laen crita nye..
mnghadap laptop kesayangan buat questionnaire utk thesis kan..
tpi sempat jgk mkn and layan olimpik wit my parents..
erm...oleh sbb da siap questionnaire, on9 la lagi sekali utk merepek n mencarut di blog ku ini..
buat teman2 yg terbaca blog saya ini, i miss u oke..
kepada eifa yg mndapat gngguan org yg tk kenal tu, abaikan je ye..
kepada syamil, hope u da dgr lagu yg i dedicate tu..
enjoy ya kawan!
God bless.!
bangun pun da kul 11 pagi..
tapi bgun utk solat subuh and bagi cat mamam..
then slip til 11 am.
da lapar sgt tu..buat la rajin masak pe yg ptut ada lauk ikan n ayam lagi tau.
(pandai jugak aku masak ea..hehehe..pujila sikit)
then, after mkn2, on9 kejap before ada incoming call frm Z.A...
yang paling bes dapat maen badminton today wit my bro..
sampai lewat ptg maen dgn dia..
lama da tak berpaluh mcm tadi..
mlm laen crita nye..
mnghadap laptop kesayangan buat questionnaire utk thesis kan..
tpi sempat jgk mkn and layan olimpik wit my parents..
erm...oleh sbb da siap questionnaire, on9 la lagi sekali utk merepek n mencarut di blog ku ini..
buat teman2 yg terbaca blog saya ini, i miss u oke..
kepada eifa yg mndapat gngguan org yg tk kenal tu, abaikan je ye..
kepada syamil, hope u da dgr lagu yg i dedicate tu..
enjoy ya kawan!
God bless.!
Dedicate this song to As-Syamil
I Kissed A Girl by Kate Perry
This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It’s not what, I’m used to
Just wanna try you on
I’m curious for you
Caught my attention
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don’t mean I’m in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
No, I don’t even know your name
It doesn’t matter
Your my experimental game
Just human nature
It’s not what, good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don’t mean I’m in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain’t no big deal, it’s innocent
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don’t mean I’m in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
Sunday, August 17, 2008
bein wall.e
wah, seronoknye hari ni..
dapat tgk wall.e kul 2.20 pm.
agha tk marah coz i tgk dulu..sori babe, tkdpt la nk tggu u.
tapi i promish we tgk mvie vin diesel oke?
nothing muchla today..
after watch mvie, go eat.
then went back home..
tonite, have chat wit dad..
and study a bit.
then slip....
dapat tgk wall.e kul 2.20 pm.
agha tk marah coz i tgk dulu..sori babe, tkdpt la nk tggu u.
tapi i promish we tgk mvie vin diesel oke?
nothing muchla today..
after watch mvie, go eat.
then went back home..
tonite, have chat wit dad..
and study a bit.
then slip....
Saturday, August 16, 2008
am back home!
at last sampai jgk rumah kesayangan ini..
tk sempat rest 1 jam c Z.A da nak jumpa..
tapi ok la jugak coz dapat mkn kat tempat fav we berdua..
sgt puas ati walaupun ribut ptg tu.
thx z.a.
tk sempat rest 1 jam c Z.A da nak jumpa..
tapi ok la jugak coz dapat mkn kat tempat fav we berdua..
sgt puas ati walaupun ribut ptg tu.
thx z.a.
Friday, August 15, 2008
dizzy friday....
pagi ni bgn agak lambat la,,
clas mcm biasa kul 3 til 5 pm..
tapi as usual, ada research discussion 11 am.
so, bagun je, terus shower and having bfast at home.
yg paling bes, dapat sms c agha nak ajak tgk Wall.E b4 i blk hometown esk..
coz he knw am not going to wait til nex wik kan..
the probs is, tkde transport kalau nk tgk midnite..
tapi kena la try find solution tu..
tgkla mcm mana kesudahan mlm ni..
rite, i just finishd my discussion wit zara and madiah..
and now just wasting time typing blog b4 enter clss..
owh..the best part, i'm going to regester for uitm alumni - homecoming after my class ni..
clas mcm biasa kul 3 til 5 pm..
tapi as usual, ada research discussion 11 am.
so, bagun je, terus shower and having bfast at home.
yg paling bes, dapat sms c agha nak ajak tgk Wall.E b4 i blk hometown esk..
coz he knw am not going to wait til nex wik kan..
the probs is, tkde transport kalau nk tgk midnite..
tapi kena la try find solution tu..
tgkla mcm mana kesudahan mlm ni..
rite, i just finishd my discussion wit zara and madiah..
and now just wasting time typing blog b4 enter clss..
owh..the best part, i'm going to regester for uitm alumni - homecoming after my class ni..
Thursday, August 14, 2008
kasian c jiji
harini mcm heaven la jugak kan..
mana tk nye, pagi clas change tkde..
asignment utk change pun da siap dari smlm..
so, dapatla datg lewat utk clas ptg at 4pm kan..
after clas end, i, eifa, madiah and zara pergila alam sentral coz da lapar sgt yg tahap gaban..tpi time kat parking bolela ternampak c aaron aziz yg kiut tu..ehehe.
after eat, belila sikit buah tangan utk c jiji..
tapi buah tu mmg la ada beli tangan tak beli la kan..
and beli la jgk air soya..
then we straight go to Darul Ehsan Medical Center (DEMC)
wah, melatop jgak c jiji ni.. pilihan yg bgs la kalau kena denggi duduk kat sini..
ehehe..jgn mrh jiji..
kasian la jgk tgk dia..tapi masih sempat buat lawak..
i doakan u cepat sembuh ya ji..
we love u..
say no denggi.!
mana tk nye, pagi clas change tkde..
asignment utk change pun da siap dari smlm..
so, dapatla datg lewat utk clas ptg at 4pm kan..
after clas end, i, eifa, madiah and zara pergila alam sentral coz da lapar sgt yg tahap gaban..tpi time kat parking bolela ternampak c aaron aziz yg kiut tu..ehehe.
after eat, belila sikit buah tangan utk c jiji..
tapi buah tu mmg la ada beli tangan tak beli la kan..
and beli la jgk air soya..
then we straight go to Darul Ehsan Medical Center (DEMC)
wah, melatop jgak c jiji ni.. pilihan yg bgs la kalau kena denggi duduk kat sini..
ehehe..jgn mrh jiji..
kasian la jgk tgk dia..tapi masih sempat buat lawak..
i doakan u cepat sembuh ya ji..
we love u..
say no denggi.!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 uitm!
its start early in the morning..
my tuesday morning..
i'm so excited join 'Perhimpunan bantahan non bumiputera join UiTM'
i and eifa, madiah and zara go to the perhimpunan at Padang Kawad UiTm..
for about 15 mins.Then we went to Dataran Sh Alam by eifa car., and my cousin also join us..yuyul..and interprem jgk,,
we walked about 15 to 20 min frm the dataran to the sekretariat oficce..
but MB of Slgor, didnt show his face to take the memorandum..
but me and fwend so satisfied doing all this because we do LOVE uitm and we want to make sure the nxt generation get the benefits!
my tuesday morning..
i'm so excited join 'Perhimpunan bantahan non bumiputera join UiTM'
i and eifa, madiah and zara go to the perhimpunan at Padang Kawad UiTm..
for about 15 mins.Then we went to Dataran Sh Alam by eifa car., and my cousin also join us..yuyul..and interprem jgk,,
we walked about 15 to 20 min frm the dataran to the sekretariat oficce..
but MB of Slgor, didnt show his face to take the memorandum..
but me and fwend so satisfied doing all this because we do LOVE uitm and we want to make sure the nxt generation get the benefits!
Monday, August 11, 2008
my AWESOME weekend!
wah, yesterday was awesome!
i went out with agha..
agha surprised me coz he told that wanna watch movie at the cineplex, klang..
but he brought me to the sunway pyramid..
we watchd A journey to the center of the earth-3D.!
it was awesome movie..
we laugh and happy the whole day.!
after movie, we eat at Mc'D.
then we chat and chat and having great time when we listening to the music band at the sunway.
owh..i smoke back! but just one..
huhu..its vanilla..i cant control myself..
after back at my place..
i called my mum las nite..
damn! i miss her..
i'm so excited to going back dis weekend.!
i went out with agha..
agha surprised me coz he told that wanna watch movie at the cineplex, klang..
but he brought me to the sunway pyramid..
we watchd A journey to the center of the earth-3D.!
it was awesome movie..
we laugh and happy the whole day.!
after movie, we eat at Mc'D.
then we chat and chat and having great time when we listening to the music band at the sunway.
owh..i smoke back! but just one..
huhu..its vanilla..i cant control myself..
after back at my place..
i called my mum las nite..
damn! i miss her..
i'm so excited to going back dis weekend.!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
saturday...and me..
today morning..
i have to sent ija to the hospital to do some checkup after her abortion..
i went there with yati too..
when ija c the doc.
i and yati had a chat bout ija..
i know ija didnt tell yati about her abortion..
but yati suspicios bout it.!
if i could tell yati the truth.! but i promised ija not telling yati bout this matter..coz yati dad and ija dad are closed..
after the appointment, we went to the Jusco, bkt tinggi.
this is my 2nd time to go the Jusco.
hehe..i'm not buying anything eventhough theres alot of SALE!
am a gud daughter ..
hehe..i have to be a gud girl..
at nite, i c agha and having diner with him..
armm..nothing much..
but its pretty awesome coz i and agha had lots of gosip stuff..
today morning..
i have to sent ija to the hospital to do some checkup after her abortion..
i went there with yati too..
when ija c the doc.
i and yati had a chat bout ija..
i know ija didnt tell yati about her abortion..
but yati suspicios bout it.!
if i could tell yati the truth.! but i promised ija not telling yati bout this matter..coz yati dad and ija dad are closed..
after the appointment, we went to the Jusco, bkt tinggi.
this is my 2nd time to go the Jusco.
hehe..i'm not buying anything eventhough theres alot of SALE!
am a gud daughter ..
hehe..i have to be a gud girl..
at nite, i c agha and having diner with him..
armm..nothing much..
but its pretty awesome coz i and agha had lots of gosip stuff..
Friday, August 8, 2008
...wht a day.!
i tot today clas system design tkde la..
dapat la pi waterfall wit clasmate..
las minit ada lak clas..huhu..cancel semua program.!
tapi ada lagi yang sakit ati..
c perempuan yang bernama ija itu..
las nite sms i..kata nak datang rumah i dis morning..
utk apa? purposenye ada la.. en. Mus her boifren..(tapi dia tk nak ngaku la) nak urut dia.. (al-maklumla i kan sgt la sporting..) so she wanna take advantage la kan..
tapi i say 'NO Way!'.. even i and other housemate pun tk penah nak bawak mana-mana lelaki masuk dalam rmh itu..
makin lama,,makin menyampahla dengan perangai c ija nih.. i sangat la kesian and sayang dia sbgi kawan tapi..huh..mcm da kecewa la dgn dia ni..
apa bole buat..dia mengadu skt perut la..skt boobs la..
i punyala nasihat and try to take care dia..tpi...dia mcm tktau nak hargai..
so, mlm ni, i pun go to yati place coz she stay there..
tkde org pun dirumah..sgt la angin kan..kata dia, tk sihat, sakit itu ini..
ingat nak visit dia la kan...
las2 dia kua tah kemana and not replying my sms..
apa pun, i da lapar giler ni..
tunggu c aliff tk sampai2 ni.. nak mkn dgn junior i yang sgt kacak nih..
dapat la pi waterfall wit clasmate..
las minit ada lak clas..huhu..cancel semua program.!
tapi ada lagi yang sakit ati..
c perempuan yang bernama ija itu..
las nite sms i..kata nak datang rumah i dis morning..
utk apa? purposenye ada la.. en. Mus her boifren..(tapi dia tk nak ngaku la) nak urut dia.. (al-maklumla i kan sgt la sporting..) so she wanna take advantage la kan..
tapi i say 'NO Way!'.. even i and other housemate pun tk penah nak bawak mana-mana lelaki masuk dalam rmh itu..
makin lama,,makin menyampahla dengan perangai c ija nih.. i sangat la kesian and sayang dia sbgi kawan tapi..huh..mcm da kecewa la dgn dia ni..
apa bole buat..dia mengadu skt perut la..skt boobs la..
i punyala nasihat and try to take care dia..tpi...dia mcm tktau nak hargai..
so, mlm ni, i pun go to yati place coz she stay there..
tkde org pun dirumah..sgt la angin kan..kata dia, tk sihat, sakit itu ini..
ingat nak visit dia la kan...
las2 dia kua tah kemana and not replying my sms..
apa pun, i da lapar giler ni..
tunggu c aliff tk sampai2 ni.. nak mkn dgn junior i yang sgt kacak nih..
Thursday, August 7, 2008
bila da berjauhan..........
almost two days i dgn Z.A ada krisis..
las nite after diner, i call dia..
tapi sebab kan dia mamai, dia jadi hilang ingatan..
i ask him to wake me up this morning..tapi hampes.!
bole je 11 a.m he text me ask where i am..whtcha duin,,why not text him..
huhu... on tht time i dalam he keeping text me when i'm not replyin..
WtF?.. he thought i merajuk.. (a bit la..)
then,after clas 12.30 i got quiz..
nasibla baek lagi, bole jugak jawab..wlupun tk berapa nak study hard..(mana tk nye, dgn diner, dgn flu fever.)
after my quiz, Z.A call me..
He sound merajuk and sad..
He ask why i'm not telling him my activities and so forth..bla..bla..bla..
dah tentu la i busy,,da bagi tau byk kali dia yg kelupaan..
tapi apa pun...i miss u Z.A.
yang paling menyampah..line celcom, maxis asik problem je..
nasibla, skrg ni tgh hujan, jadi tak la hot sangat hati ni..
so, skrg, ni la dia..konon nak cari jornal buat asgmt tapi type blog..
end disini.
almost two days i dgn Z.A ada krisis..
las nite after diner, i call dia..
tapi sebab kan dia mamai, dia jadi hilang ingatan..
i ask him to wake me up this morning..tapi hampes.!
bole je 11 a.m he text me ask where i am..whtcha duin,,why not text him..
huhu... on tht time i dalam he keeping text me when i'm not replyin..
WtF?.. he thought i merajuk.. (a bit la..)
then,after clas 12.30 i got quiz..
nasibla baek lagi, bole jugak jawab..wlupun tk berapa nak study hard..(mana tk nye, dgn diner, dgn flu fever.)
after my quiz, Z.A call me..
He sound merajuk and sad..
He ask why i'm not telling him my activities and so forth..bla..bla..bla..
dah tentu la i busy,,da bagi tau byk kali dia yg kelupaan..
tapi apa pun...i miss u Z.A.
yang paling menyampah..line celcom, maxis asik problem je..
nasibla, skrg ni tgh hujan, jadi tak la hot sangat hati ni..
so, skrg, ni la dia..konon nak cari jornal buat asgmt tapi type blog..
end disini.
...Pre-Graduation Dinner....
at last! pre-grad dinner da settle pun las nite..
sangat seronok! tapi a bit lonely la dat nite bila tgk ada couple yg sgt dazzling..
tapi nak buat mcm mana kan..kata da single kat perantauan ini..huhu..
tapi kawan2 yang sangat supportive sgtla bes! i love u fwends.!
i have to give credits to Eifa c lentik, madiah and zara...
Tk lupa thx to Ruzanne yg sgtla baek hati me make-up kan i mlm tadi..
huhu..mcam kelakar je..I bole je menggunakan magic hand make-up akak ikin tapi bila nak make up tk confident je..
tula citer nye..sgtla fantastic mlm td..
ingatkan da lambat, tapi rupanya ada lagi yg kelewtan..
wah, utk persembahan mlm tadi, semestinya i give big clap to jiji yg nyanyi lagu no one by alicia keys..sgtla sedap wlupun ada terlupa lirik nya..ok la bah!
ada jugak lagi kerispatih..tapi i tk kenal la sapa yg perform las nite..thx! i enjoyed it!
sesi bergambar jgn la cakap..sgtla seronok dan happening..
sampai i kena sound dgn c madiah..."u ni sik nak enterprem je"..
eventhough las nite i tk seksi, i happy tgk fwens mlm tuu..
btw, c ninie dapat queen of the nite berhabes RM 300++..bagusla u menang ninie..
Congrats girl,,sampai tk bole turun stage dgn dress kembang 4 mangkuk tu..hehehe..
bab makanan je tak berapa nak puas ati..coz ada yang masin terlebih, ada yang masam terlebih, mcam2 la sampai kan after the dinner, i went to Mc'D mkn poridge and apple pie..kelaparan suda...
thts all cerita mlm tadi.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
tuesday.... hoping miracle!
today, i just start my day to sent ija porridge.
she stay at yati place...near to my place actually.
then, i went to skul.
having discussion wit my grups.
erm..lepak at the library..
and got class at 2 pm til 4 pm.
i stil worry bout ija condition.
but in my head, lots of things to settle.
damn !! i miss syamil.. i've been thought of her since saturday.
i hope i can c her this coming weekend.
she stay at yati place...near to my place actually.
then, i went to skul.
having discussion wit my grups.
erm..lepak at the library..
and got class at 2 pm til 4 pm.
i stil worry bout ija condition.
but in my head, lots of things to settle.
damn !! i miss syamil.. i've been thought of her since saturday.
i hope i can c her this coming weekend.
Monday, August 4, 2008
worse weekend!
huhu..i dont knw how to start..
its start las friday (august 1st)
my clas as usually 3-5 pm.
then i wait for my fwen ija.
after met ija, we wait for my close fwen, nini and her fiance.
we went to Sbg Prmai klinic. I think around 8 we reachd there.
the purpose we went there is to help ija abort her babe.
.lol..she pregnant almost 16-18 weeks..cant u imagine? how big her tummy?
lol.. i went to docs rum and c the doc scan her tummy..
i c the baby.. i c the head, heart and the backbone.. i felt damn sad.! i know ija felt the same way..but ija stil have to abort the baby becoz the daddy wont accept.!
the coz of abortion is almost 2K.
ermm..then the doc only give 5 tablet to eat and ija hv to wait till bleeding.
i hv to tke care of her on tht nite at my place.
the second day (saturday, august 2)
supposedly i meet syamil today.
Syamil wanna help me about my dinner dress..
but i had to cancel becoz of ija probs.(i hope u understand darl!)
then i ask help of mawi to take the dress frm syamil. (thx babe!)
early morning, i and ija go to the klinik..and the doc say tht the pintu rahim not yet open..damn! doc say maybe the next day the baby will come out..
then i took ija back after take some pills frm the doc.
after i fetch mawi to take my dress, i sent ija to the klnik.
tonite, ija have to overnite at the klinik coz the doc advise to do so..
after sent ija, i went out wit agha to watch THE MUMMY movie. (:
the third day (august 3, sunday)
early morning, i went to the klink with agha..
we pick up ija and go out to have some breakfast near at the klnik.
after eat, we sent her back to the klinik.
i went out to mid valey wit agha and watch 21 movie (awesome!)
even i went out try to hve sum fun, but actually i do sms wit ija and ask her condition.
after all, i almost faint at the mid valey..
thx to agha! i love u..ahga now, i'm not well rested for two days past.
i reachd home and nothing happen eventually..
the fourth day (august 4, monday)
i cant even slip becoz i sms wit ija and ask her condition.
u know wht? ija said the air ketumban da keluar.
then, around 1 am she told the baby head went out but stuck.
until the 6 am. the baby stil stuck about half of the baby bodies.
i just cant imagine how the pain ija felt.! i pray to god, pls save ija and give the power to ija get through all this things coz she alone tht time.
ija discharge at 1pm today.
thx god!
its start las friday (august 1st)
my clas as usually 3-5 pm.
then i wait for my fwen ija.
after met ija, we wait for my close fwen, nini and her fiance.
we went to Sbg Prmai klinic. I think around 8 we reachd there.
the purpose we went there is to help ija abort her babe.
.lol..she pregnant almost 16-18 weeks..cant u imagine? how big her tummy?
lol.. i went to docs rum and c the doc scan her tummy..
i c the baby.. i c the head, heart and the backbone.. i felt damn sad.! i know ija felt the same way..but ija stil have to abort the baby becoz the daddy wont accept.!
the coz of abortion is almost 2K.
ermm..then the doc only give 5 tablet to eat and ija hv to wait till bleeding.
i hv to tke care of her on tht nite at my place.
the second day (saturday, august 2)
supposedly i meet syamil today.
Syamil wanna help me about my dinner dress..
but i had to cancel becoz of ija probs.(i hope u understand darl!)
then i ask help of mawi to take the dress frm syamil. (thx babe!)
early morning, i and ija go to the klinik..and the doc say tht the pintu rahim not yet open..damn! doc say maybe the next day the baby will come out..
then i took ija back after take some pills frm the doc.
after i fetch mawi to take my dress, i sent ija to the klnik.
tonite, ija have to overnite at the klinik coz the doc advise to do so..
after sent ija, i went out wit agha to watch THE MUMMY movie. (:
the third day (august 3, sunday)
early morning, i went to the klink with agha..
we pick up ija and go out to have some breakfast near at the klnik.
after eat, we sent her back to the klinik.
i went out to mid valey wit agha and watch 21 movie (awesome!)
even i went out try to hve sum fun, but actually i do sms wit ija and ask her condition.
after all, i almost faint at the mid valey..
thx to agha! i love u..ahga now, i'm not well rested for two days past.
i reachd home and nothing happen eventually..
the fourth day (august 4, monday)
i cant even slip becoz i sms wit ija and ask her condition.
u know wht? ija said the air ketumban da keluar.
then, around 1 am she told the baby head went out but stuck.
until the 6 am. the baby stil stuck about half of the baby bodies.
i just cant imagine how the pain ija felt.! i pray to god, pls save ija and give the power to ija get through all this things coz she alone tht time.
ija discharge at 1pm today.
thx god!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
i'm not single
las nite tak cukup tido..
mlm ni pun masih blom bole tido lagi..
makin byk yang nak dipikirkan pasal report practical ni..
bangun je pagi tadi, terus on laptop..check email, and edit report smlm.
pastu call Z.A. dia ajak dating tgk "i'm not single"...
kepala lagi jadi serabut, mana nak dating, mana nak pikir report..
mmm call c ara tnya dia da siap report blom..nasib baek blom siap, so bole la aku merelease tension dgn Z.A.
rupanya 30 min yg pertama sgt la hampeh kerana aku tk bole nk concentrate dgn Z.A. sik pikir report je..lama gak la..baru aku leh adapt wit environment..
pas makan2, baru la jalan2 cari ntah apa pun tktau, sik dgr dia membebel, mengomel apa tah..tapi mcm kiut la dia nih..bole buat aku tersenyum dan terdiam la..
lama jugak la nak tnggu bole tgk movie..tapi b4 movie mkn kat mc'd dulu..after movie mkn kat kfc pulak..hohoi..bole gemuk aku nih..
abes je dating, terus shower..then, i call Z.A.. coz dalam pendrive yg dia bagi tadi tkde pun info yg aku mau..dia pujuk aku, suruh search and find betul-betul.
las2 aku nangis..nangis giler argh..tension bah! sib baek dia layan jugak la dia punya omelan cumel tu..
and now, aku tulis tak siap lagi ni..
Z.A pun da slip..huuuu..mcm nak join je wat report dulu ar..
thx Z.A..u came when i need sum1. love u.!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Been busy la..
Wah, kenapala sgt busy sem ni..
Mcm mengalami kesukaran bernafas suda.
Semua nak submit dis monday..
Jiwa kacau, kepala pun serabut je.
Mcm nak release pun tk sempat je..
Tp yg paling sad, ada jugak kawan yg masih tknak membantu teman yg laen malah men sabotaj lagi..kesian c amyxx and jijie..hope korang berdua da setel prob tu. dlm kesusahan ni, i'm so happy coz msih bole jmpa mum and dad.
ada lagi 1 perkara yg merunsingkan aku..psl MPG.. tema diner masquerade..meaning kena pakai mask ala-ala zoro gitu..i pun tktau la nk cari baju diner celah mana and masa yg makin suntuk la..
kwn2 yg baca blog ni, i need ur help suggest baju yg sesuai la..coz u ol mmg tk bole tlg i buat assgmnt and, thts all. thx babe!
Mcm mengalami kesukaran bernafas suda.
Semua nak submit dis monday..
Jiwa kacau, kepala pun serabut je.
Mcm nak release pun tk sempat je..
Tp yg paling sad, ada jugak kawan yg masih tknak membantu teman yg laen malah men sabotaj lagi..kesian c amyxx and jijie..hope korang berdua da setel prob tu. dlm kesusahan ni, i'm so happy coz msih bole jmpa mum and dad.
ada lagi 1 perkara yg merunsingkan aku..psl MPG.. tema diner masquerade..meaning kena pakai mask ala-ala zoro gitu..i pun tktau la nk cari baju diner celah mana and masa yg makin suntuk la..
kwn2 yg baca blog ni, i need ur help suggest baju yg sesuai la..coz u ol mmg tk bole tlg i buat assgmnt and, thts all. thx babe!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sumtimes, even people around us, we stil feel sepi..
Lately, i betul-betul sepi..even i'm wit fwens..
I dont knw why.. i always miss sum1 tht am not sure who the hell is tht sum1..
feel so lonely, so sepi..
mcm nk menangis even i cried..its stil the same..
susah nk hilangkan perasaan tu.
i dont know sampai bila boleh bertahan.
but i know am not crazee..
Lately, i betul-betul sepi..even i'm wit fwens..
I dont knw why.. i always miss sum1 tht am not sure who the hell is tht sum1..
feel so lonely, so sepi..
mcm nk menangis even i cried..its stil the same..
susah nk hilangkan perasaan tu.
i dont know sampai bila boleh bertahan.
but i know am not crazee..
Saturday, July 19, 2008
ALMOST there!
hurm..i went to syamil place yesterday.
yang paling bes,, along syamil tertinggal knci rmh dlm loker. nsib baik c shae ada kt rmh, so bole la masuk rmh kan..
lagi bes, along kena tido kat hall.. (pkai suar merah ala hawaii,sgt besar! siap pki belt lagi!)
yang paling tk tahan ada cat yg syamil panggil i dgn along panggil c sakai coz perangai cat tu sgt la sakai and hyper.! tp bila milk time, sgt la kiut coz minum pki botol..huhu.. rindu la..
so, harini nothing much la yg i buat.
Mr. Z.A went to KL so i dating dgn dia la kan..
Before date wit him i jumpa syamil kat JC.
Then, i beli ticket DARK KNIGHT - batman..huhu..
perut da lapa terus je go eat-eat..padahal jnji nk mkn dgn syamil tp da tk bole tahan sgt la kelaparan..after lunch wit ZA..we jln2 membazerkan wktu dan masa..
then movie time..serius babe! mmg la sgt bes movie ini..
Sampai wktu utk berpisah..
i drop ZA wit his fwen..and i went back to home la..huhu.
yang paling bes,, along syamil tertinggal knci rmh dlm loker. nsib baik c shae ada kt rmh, so bole la masuk rmh kan..
lagi bes, along kena tido kat hall.. (pkai suar merah ala hawaii,sgt besar! siap pki belt lagi!)
yang paling tk tahan ada cat yg syamil panggil i dgn along panggil c sakai coz perangai cat tu sgt la sakai and hyper.! tp bila milk time, sgt la kiut coz minum pki botol..huhu.. rindu la..
so, harini nothing much la yg i buat.
Mr. Z.A went to KL so i dating dgn dia la kan..
Before date wit him i jumpa syamil kat JC.
Then, i beli ticket DARK KNIGHT - batman..huhu..
perut da lapa terus je go eat-eat..padahal jnji nk mkn dgn syamil tp da tk bole tahan sgt la kelaparan..after lunch wit ZA..we jln2 membazerkan wktu dan masa..
then movie time..serius babe! mmg la sgt bes movie ini..
Sampai wktu utk berpisah..
i drop ZA wit his fwen..and i went back to home la..huhu.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Love Chain
The Kiss
1.Kiss on the hand = I adore you
2.Kiss on the cheek = I just want to be friends
3.Kiss on the neck = I want you
4.Kiss on the lips = I love you
5.Kiss on the ears = I am just playing
6.Kiss anywhere else = lets not get carried away
7.Look in your eyes = kiss me
8.Playing with your hair = I can't live without you
9.Hand on your waist = I love you to much to let you go
The Three Steps
1. Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
2. Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
3. Guys & Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.
The Commandments
1. Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
1.They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2. The way they call you after you just had a big fight.
3.The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an
hour later....
4.The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
5.The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
6. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
7.The way they fall into your arms when they cry
8.Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
9.The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
10. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt.
(even though we don't
admit it)!
11.The way they say 'I miss you'
12.The way you miss them
13.The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't
hurt her anymore.....
This chain started in 1997.
It is a love chain letter.
The Kiss
1.Kiss on the hand = I adore you
2.Kiss on the cheek = I just want to be friends
3.Kiss on the neck = I want you
4.Kiss on the lips = I love you
5.Kiss on the ears = I am just playing
6.Kiss anywhere else = lets not get carried away
7.Look in your eyes = kiss me
8.Playing with your hair = I can't live without you
9.Hand on your waist = I love you to much to let you go
The Three Steps
1. Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
2. Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
3. Guys & Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.
The Commandments
1. Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
1.They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2. The way they call you after you just had a big fight.
3.The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an
hour later....
4.The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
5.The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
6. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
7.The way they fall into your arms when they cry
8.Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
9.The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
10. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt.
(even though we don't
admit it)!
11.The way they say 'I miss you'
12.The way you miss them
13.The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't
hurt her anymore.....
This chain started in 1997.
It is a love chain letter.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
am guin back!
wah, mlm tadi i cant sleep la.
memikir kan nak blk kl pagi ni..
sebab barang pun blom kemas lagi ni.
tp yg heran nye, bgun pagi bukan terus nk packing brg tp menghadap laptop yg kesayangan ni.. utk check mail & tulis blog.
padahal my mum plak busy packing brg i..haha.
my mum the best mum la! even yesterday i went out chill wit Z.A.
she busy shopping for my brg2..argh..even tshirt pun dia beli.. she knw my fav! but lagi.! she want me to be more feminin kot? whatever la..
Thanks mum.
Wah, sgt la shahdu nk meninggalkan famili i hari ni.
Coz da lama sangat bermanja and da jadi pemalas d rumah ni.
Mcm first time nk merantau je..huhu.
Tp i know my fwen there, whu always miss me.. akan men cheer kan my life.!
am guin back hun, am guin back babe, amguin back fwends!
memikir kan nak blk kl pagi ni..
sebab barang pun blom kemas lagi ni.
tp yg heran nye, bgun pagi bukan terus nk packing brg tp menghadap laptop yg kesayangan ni.. utk check mail & tulis blog.
padahal my mum plak busy packing brg i..haha.
my mum the best mum la! even yesterday i went out chill wit Z.A.
she busy shopping for my brg2..argh..even tshirt pun dia beli.. she knw my fav! but lagi.! she want me to be more feminin kot? whatever la..
Thanks mum.
Wah, sgt la shahdu nk meninggalkan famili i hari ni.
Coz da lama sangat bermanja and da jadi pemalas d rumah ni.
Mcm first time nk merantau je..huhu.
Tp i know my fwen there, whu always miss me.. akan men cheer kan my life.!
am guin back hun, am guin back babe, amguin back fwends!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
i love daddy
thursday - 2.00 AM,
my dad complaining had bad headache.
my mum panic and ask me to help her to bring my dad to the hospital.
it was raining.
after 10 mins driving.
we reached the hospital. and the medical asst briong my dad to the ER.
i just pray outside.
after half and hour, my mum ask the Med Asst bout my dad condition.
But no answer...
i've bought milo for mum coz she's need sumthin to warm her..(damn cool tht nite!)
about 2 hour waiting, i and mum went to c my dad inside the Emergncy ward.
My dad smile to me, and i kiss her cheek.
I'm so scared to lose him...
I try to cormfort and fulfill whatever he want.
After 4 hours, the doc release my dad to go back home.
My dad had high blood pressure coz he tension wit his work.!
I love my dad and i'm glad to be there when he need me.!
my dad complaining had bad headache.
my mum panic and ask me to help her to bring my dad to the hospital.
it was raining.
after 10 mins driving.
we reached the hospital. and the medical asst briong my dad to the ER.
i just pray outside.
after half and hour, my mum ask the Med Asst bout my dad condition.
But no answer...
i've bought milo for mum coz she's need sumthin to warm her..(damn cool tht nite!)
about 2 hour waiting, i and mum went to c my dad inside the Emergncy ward.
My dad smile to me, and i kiss her cheek.
I'm so scared to lose him...
I try to cormfort and fulfill whatever he want.
After 4 hours, the doc release my dad to go back home.
My dad had high blood pressure coz he tension wit his work.!
I love my dad and i'm glad to be there when he need me.!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
the unnecessary.!.
1. Pubic hair... (i mean wtf is that about? why do people still have it?)
2. Celery .. taste like snots.!
3. Culture Club/ Boy George.. (i honestly do not see the fascination at all)
4. Madonna.. was good in her days, way over rated though.
5. Smelly unclean armpits.. Go wash yourself,, you smelly bastard!
6. Clowns.. they are not amusing, they do not makes kids laugh, they only give you fucking nightmares...!
7. Ear / Nostral Hair ... (i dont need to explain.)
8. Loud people... even if you have hearing problems, its still not enough excuse..
9. Feeding kids crap instead of food... I'm sure we're all intelligent enough to understand that one..
2. Celery .. taste like snots.!
3. Culture Club/ Boy George.. (i honestly do not see the fascination at all)
4. Madonna.. was good in her days, way over rated though.
5. Smelly unclean armpits.. Go wash yourself,, you smelly bastard!
6. Clowns.. they are not amusing, they do not makes kids laugh, they only give you fucking nightmares...!
7. Ear / Nostral Hair ... (i dont need to explain.)
8. Loud people... even if you have hearing problems, its still not enough excuse..
9. Feeding kids crap instead of food... I'm sure we're all intelligent enough to understand that one..
he always make me smile
i've been awake for a while now
you got me feeling like a child now
cause every time i see your bubbly face
i get the tinglies in a silly place
it starts in my toes
and i crinkle my nose
wherever it goes
i always know
that you make me smile
please stay a while now
just take your time
wherever you go
the rain is falling on my window pane
but we are hiding in a safer place
under covers staying dry and warm
you give me feelings that i adore
what am i going to say
when you make me feel this way
i just love you more..and more.
you got me feeling like a child now
cause every time i see your bubbly face
i get the tinglies in a silly place
it starts in my toes
and i crinkle my nose
wherever it goes
i always know
that you make me smile
please stay a while now
just take your time
wherever you go
the rain is falling on my window pane
but we are hiding in a safer place
under covers staying dry and warm
you give me feelings that i adore
what am i going to say
when you make me feel this way
i just love you more..and more.
Friday, June 20, 2008
story telling
maybe you've read this before but yet still funny though..
whats the difference between girls aged 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58 & 68..?
At 8 - you take her to bed and tell her a story.
At 18 - you tell her a story and take her to bed.
At 28 - you dont need to tell her a story to take her to bed.
At 38 - she tell you a story and takes you to bed.
At 48 - you tell her a story to avoid going to bed.
At 58 - you stay in bed to avoid her story.
At 68 - if you take her to bed, that will be a story....
whats the difference between girls aged 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58 & 68..?
At 8 - you take her to bed and tell her a story.
At 18 - you tell her a story and take her to bed.
At 28 - you dont need to tell her a story to take her to bed.
At 38 - she tell you a story and takes you to bed.
At 48 - you tell her a story to avoid going to bed.
At 58 - you stay in bed to avoid her story.
At 68 - if you take her to bed, that will be a story....
Sunday, June 8, 2008
feel like am in love...
wah, am so happy today..
went out wit fwen and mr. Z.A. who is admire me..
he make me laugh and am so happy every second wit him..
sgt selesa and i do miss him after he sent me back just now..
we share music together..damn! we love music!
i know he missed me too coz he called me just now..alasan dia, just want to make sure am oke..
of course la i oke..but i do miss u. (ckp dlm ati je la)
then on fon..
Mr. Z.A: "if u free tomorow, we can chill ..wht u say?'
Me: Not sure yet..might be i want to do sumthin...(konon jual mahal la)
Mr. Z.A: "ok then , u let me know ya.. mybe we can watch sum movie..hehe
Me: (wtf? he trap me wit movie..coz he knw i love to watch)... ok let u knw tmrow..
Mr. Z.A: we can watch kungfu panda..i knw u want to watch..hehe,,
Me: (sial! dia mmg sengaja but i kena jual mhl ni)..ya i really wana watch it but i cant sure yet...huhu..
after bla..bla..bla.. end of the conversation and now, we text each other..
went out wit fwen and mr. Z.A. who is admire me..
he make me laugh and am so happy every second wit him..
sgt selesa and i do miss him after he sent me back just now..
we share music together..damn! we love music!
i know he missed me too coz he called me just now..alasan dia, just want to make sure am oke..
of course la i oke..but i do miss u. (ckp dlm ati je la)
then on fon..
Mr. Z.A: "if u free tomorow, we can chill ..wht u say?'
Me: Not sure yet..might be i want to do sumthin...(konon jual mahal la)
Mr. Z.A: "ok then , u let me know ya.. mybe we can watch sum movie..hehe
Me: (wtf? he trap me wit movie..coz he knw i love to watch)... ok let u knw tmrow..
Mr. Z.A: we can watch kungfu panda..i knw u want to watch..hehe,,
Me: (sial! dia mmg sengaja but i kena jual mhl ni)..ya i really wana watch it but i cant sure yet...huhu..
after bla..bla..bla.. end of the conversation and now, we text each other..
Friday, June 6, 2008
wah,, aku happy sgt nih!
huhu, at last aku boleh bergembira dgn result exam aku..
tk sia2 aku study wlupun tk maut tp bgs jgk la dpt result ni..
tp yg paling best result aku betambah bgs selepas clash wit mr 'S'..
hahaha,sesungguhnya mr 's' bukanlah pembakar semangat aku tp penghancur semangat ja..
eventhough my life misery early dis week..but today , on this moment aku sgtla happy..
a bit sad coz i cant celebrate wit my parent coz they went to malacca dis morning..huhu meeting and dating la tu..i hope my future husband can be like my dad cz sgt la loving..
hahaha, to all fwen i do hope i cn celebrate tonite wit all of u...yg mana sudi n ada free time la..
btw, i miss my mum la.. eh, my mum call la.. (mcm dpt tau je i wrote bout her..)
hehe, to my dad, i miss u too jeles plak kalau tk mention mcm ni kat blog kan..
tk blh stop smiling la.. :-)
tk sia2 aku study wlupun tk maut tp bgs jgk la dpt result ni..
tp yg paling best result aku betambah bgs selepas clash wit mr 'S'..
hahaha,sesungguhnya mr 's' bukanlah pembakar semangat aku tp penghancur semangat ja..
eventhough my life misery early dis week..but today , on this moment aku sgtla happy..
a bit sad coz i cant celebrate wit my parent coz they went to malacca dis morning..huhu meeting and dating la tu..i hope my future husband can be like my dad cz sgt la loving..
hahaha, to all fwen i do hope i cn celebrate tonite wit all of u...yg mana sudi n ada free time la..
btw, i miss my mum la.. eh, my mum call la.. (mcm dpt tau je i wrote bout her..)
hehe, to my dad, i miss u too jeles plak kalau tk mention mcm ni kat blog kan..
tk blh stop smiling la.. :-)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Betul confuse nih..
I called him my best buddy.. but lately he seem like sumone else..
Betul2 tk phm la.. supposely, we can share almost everything but i dont know now..
But what ever it is, i hope he happy wit his life,, coz i always pray for my friends bestest!
take care as-subky..
u should knw,, i always care 4 u.
I called him my best buddy.. but lately he seem like sumone else..
Betul2 tk phm la.. supposely, we can share almost everything but i dont know now..
But what ever it is, i hope he happy wit his life,, coz i always pray for my friends bestest!
take care as-subky..
u should knw,, i always care 4 u.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Internship.....Interns... is my 1st day internship.
At first in the morning, i'm so excited.!
Mum woke me up at 6 am.. actually i already woke up but i pretend and wait mum to wake me...
Ehehehe..After showed, i choose to wear pink+green baju kurung (actually i borrowed frm my sis wardrobe..) and put sum make-up..
Then i'm having my bfast wit mum n dad..
I went to work by my own.
Luckly no jam today and i arrived quite early..
8.30 am, i meet Mr. Khalil who actually approve my internship letter.
Then he asked me to see Mr. Krishnan.. shit (he's goin to be my supervisor ? OMG!)
Unfortunately, Mr. Krishnan having some outstation work like whtever then I met Mr. Harris.
Mr. Harris seem very cool and he asked me to focus to database of the company..and he said that he goin to supervise me for current time.. (Owh, awesome!)
Few of staff welcome me.. thx to Mr. Nizwan who accidently talked to me 1st.
Appreciate tht.!
And now he like my buddy even i dont have his no. yet..hahaha..
And thx to Mr. Fared and Mr. Azrul who askin me out for movie..maybe 1 day ya.!
So, I'm happy end of the day, at least i make fwend in the company..
Will see, wht happen tomorow coz rite nw am gonna watching Prison Break Ses 3..
At first in the morning, i'm so excited.!
Mum woke me up at 6 am.. actually i already woke up but i pretend and wait mum to wake me...
Ehehehe..After showed, i choose to wear pink+green baju kurung (actually i borrowed frm my sis wardrobe..) and put sum make-up..
Then i'm having my bfast wit mum n dad..
I went to work by my own.
Luckly no jam today and i arrived quite early..
8.30 am, i meet Mr. Khalil who actually approve my internship letter.
Then he asked me to see Mr. Krishnan.. shit (he's goin to be my supervisor ? OMG!)
Unfortunately, Mr. Krishnan having some outstation work like whtever then I met Mr. Harris.
Mr. Harris seem very cool and he asked me to focus to database of the company..and he said that he goin to supervise me for current time.. (Owh, awesome!)
Few of staff welcome me.. thx to Mr. Nizwan who accidently talked to me 1st.
Appreciate tht.!
And now he like my buddy even i dont have his no. yet..hahaha..
And thx to Mr. Fared and Mr. Azrul who askin me out for movie..maybe 1 day ya.!
So, I'm happy end of the day, at least i make fwend in the company..
Will see, wht happen tomorow coz rite nw am gonna watching Prison Break Ses 3..
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Mr. Asyraf a.k.a My BoBy
I don't knw how to start,, but last nite i promise to Boby to write bout him.
So, this is it....
Actually, we knwn each othr frm myspace long time ago (i think past 3yrs) but we nvr meet.
We just met early dis yr- 2008. Tht nite, was awesome, coz Boby wit Charlie come to my place all the way frm Sentul to Shah Alam just for me.. (i felt lucky to hv u BoBy!).
That nite, after fetch me at my place - Sec 7, SA, we went to Pelita - Mamak Place sumwhere in Kl (sori babe, i dont eat Nasi Kandar!). So, i just order Roti Canai. However, my sweet Boby n Charlie ate Nasi Kandar.. We chat and lepak til' late..
So, this is it....
Actually, we knwn each othr frm myspace long time ago (i think past 3yrs) but we nvr meet.
We just met early dis yr- 2008. Tht nite, was awesome, coz Boby wit Charlie come to my place all the way frm Sentul to Shah Alam just for me.. (i felt lucky to hv u BoBy!).
That nite, after fetch me at my place - Sec 7, SA, we went to Pelita - Mamak Place sumwhere in Kl (sori babe, i dont eat Nasi Kandar!). So, i just order Roti Canai. However, my sweet Boby n Charlie ate Nasi Kandar.. We chat and lepak til' late..
Then, Charlie got sesat in KL - can u imagine? (no hurt feeling, his frm JB).
But at last, he find way to send me back to SA.
Not really end la, the new episode begin,,
The 2nd time, we went out, we hang out at Kg. Baru.. lol, damn hot tht place!
But Kg. Baru its like Boby fav place to eat, so y not to join sweety boby for his lunch time.
Plus, he came frm his office near Wgsa Maju fetch me at Times Square. (don't u think he is nice to me?)
Then, at nite we stroll together at The Garden, Mid Valley City..
Catch some shot and ate at Mancongkam.. (we love to eat ya'll).
Then he sent me back to Sya place..
It was wonderful to have friend like Boby,
He love to eat, he love to sing, he love to talk..
The most of I love bout him,,
He LOVE and MiSS me whn i'm nt around.!
Miss u oBy..
end..this time, Real EnD..
But at last, he find way to send me back to SA.
Not really end la, the new episode begin,,
The 2nd time, we went out, we hang out at Kg. Baru.. lol, damn hot tht place!
But Kg. Baru its like Boby fav place to eat, so y not to join sweety boby for his lunch time.
Plus, he came frm his office near Wgsa Maju fetch me at Times Square. (don't u think he is nice to me?)
Then, at nite we stroll together at The Garden, Mid Valley City..
Catch some shot and ate at Mancongkam.. (we love to eat ya'll).
Then he sent me back to Sya place..
It was wonderful to have friend like Boby,
He love to eat, he love to sing, he love to talk..
The most of I love bout him,,
He LOVE and MiSS me whn i'm nt around.!
Miss u oBy..
end..this time, Real EnD..
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Things I Learned in Life
1. I've learned that we dont have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
2. I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt u every once in a while and u must forgive them for that.
3. I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance..the same goes for true love.
4. I've learned that u can do something in an instant that will give u heartache for life.
5.I've learned that its taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
6. I've learned that u should always leaved loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time u see them.
7. I've learned that u can keep going long after you can't.
8. I've learned that we are responsible for wht we do, no matter how we feel.
9. I've learned that either u control your attitude or its control u.
10. I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.
11. I've learned that heroes are the people who do wht has to be done when its needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
12. I've learned that money is a lousy way of keeping score.
13. I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
14. I've learned that sometimes the people u expect to kick u when u're down, will be the ones to help u get back up.
15. I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesnt give the right to be cruel.
16. I've learned that just because someone doesnt love u the way u want them to doesnt mean they dont love with all they have.
17. I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences u've had and wht u've learnd frm them, less to do with how many years u have lived.
18. I've learned that it isnt always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes u have to learn to forgive yourself.
19. I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesnt stop for your grief.
20. I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
21. I've learned that just because 2 people argue, it doesnt mean they dont love each other and just because they doesnt argue, it doesnt mean they do love each other.
22. I've learned that u shouldnt be so eager to find out a secret. It could change ur life forever.
23. I've learned that 2 people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.
24. I've learned that ur life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know u.
25. I've learned that even when u think u have no more to give, when a friend cries out to u, u will find the strenght to help.
26. I've learned that credentials on the wall do not make u a decent human being.
27. I've learned that people u care about most in life a sumtimes taken from u too soon.
2. I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt u every once in a while and u must forgive them for that.
3. I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance..the same goes for true love.
4. I've learned that u can do something in an instant that will give u heartache for life.
5.I've learned that its taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
6. I've learned that u should always leaved loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time u see them.
7. I've learned that u can keep going long after you can't.
8. I've learned that we are responsible for wht we do, no matter how we feel.
9. I've learned that either u control your attitude or its control u.
10. I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.
11. I've learned that heroes are the people who do wht has to be done when its needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
12. I've learned that money is a lousy way of keeping score.
13. I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
14. I've learned that sometimes the people u expect to kick u when u're down, will be the ones to help u get back up.
15. I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesnt give the right to be cruel.
16. I've learned that just because someone doesnt love u the way u want them to doesnt mean they dont love with all they have.
17. I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences u've had and wht u've learnd frm them, less to do with how many years u have lived.
18. I've learned that it isnt always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes u have to learn to forgive yourself.
19. I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesnt stop for your grief.
20. I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
21. I've learned that just because 2 people argue, it doesnt mean they dont love each other and just because they doesnt argue, it doesnt mean they do love each other.
22. I've learned that u shouldnt be so eager to find out a secret. It could change ur life forever.
23. I've learned that 2 people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.
24. I've learned that ur life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know u.
25. I've learned that even when u think u have no more to give, when a friend cries out to u, u will find the strenght to help.
26. I've learned that credentials on the wall do not make u a decent human being.
27. I've learned that people u care about most in life a sumtimes taken from u too soon.
My Ex-Bf so fuckin' Lie..!!
u knw wht,
i dont get it? he was dump me before.. then, he view my fs?
for wht? he calld my best fwen ija, ask bout me..
sayin " kasian dia kat SA sorg je tinggal"
Plus tellin ija, " aku nk p holiday kt australia..las time i went to bangkok"
ija said " so geli la nk dgr semua ni aftr wht u did to my fwen"
hell ya babe!!
even my best fwen pun menyampah..!
lagi nk text me " i've got motocross tournament.!"
if u ask me to pray u have safe journey,, GO TO HELL "S" !!
fuck u "s". ! wht do u expect frm me? after wht hv u done?!
I really hope u find wht u really want in ur life "s"...
coz i believe u not even sure whre the hell u are now.. (hahaha)
Coz in deep my heart, no more u.. no more "sweet s." tht i cared before..
I'm gonna be ok,
I'm gonna be smile coz i deserve to..
and I knw time will heal it..
i dont get it? he was dump me before.. then, he view my fs?
for wht? he calld my best fwen ija, ask bout me..
sayin " kasian dia kat SA sorg je tinggal"
Plus tellin ija, " aku nk p holiday kt australia..las time i went to bangkok"
ija said " so geli la nk dgr semua ni aftr wht u did to my fwen"
hell ya babe!!
even my best fwen pun menyampah..!
lagi nk text me " i've got motocross tournament.!"
if u ask me to pray u have safe journey,, GO TO HELL "S" !!
fuck u "s". ! wht do u expect frm me? after wht hv u done?!
I really hope u find wht u really want in ur life "s"...
coz i believe u not even sure whre the hell u are now.. (hahaha)
Coz in deep my heart, no more u.. no more "sweet s." tht i cared before..
I'm gonna be ok,
I'm gonna be smile coz i deserve to..
and I knw time will heal it..
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Al-fatihah to My Arwah Uncle Mie
on may 13, my uncle accident.. in his way to azan subuh..
he was a Bilal..
wht the sadness, he tellin' my aunty few day before, " i dreamt, i was seing myself sleep".
my aunty doesnt want to tke serius cz she believe its just a dream..
my aunty said" nda ada pa la..mimpi je tu, mybe b4 tido nda solt asar lagi."
but God wills.. Whtever in this world is belong to Allah s.w.t..
a bit shock, he coma after the accident..
unfortunately, he didnt survive and pass away on 15 may at 8.50 am.
al-fatihah for my arwah uncle..
so, am a bit busy for past 3days for kenduri tahlil..
chewah..busy la bah!! i'm so sad..but wht i learn frm tht day,
i appreciate wht i have nw..
family, relatives n frends..
i wish i had all of u nw...
he was a Bilal..
wht the sadness, he tellin' my aunty few day before, " i dreamt, i was seing myself sleep".
my aunty doesnt want to tke serius cz she believe its just a dream..
my aunty said" nda ada pa la..mimpi je tu, mybe b4 tido nda solt asar lagi."
but God wills.. Whtever in this world is belong to Allah s.w.t..
a bit shock, he coma after the accident..
unfortunately, he didnt survive and pass away on 15 may at 8.50 am.
al-fatihah for my arwah uncle..
so, am a bit busy for past 3days for kenduri tahlil..
chewah..busy la bah!! i'm so sad..but wht i learn frm tht day,
i appreciate wht i have nw..
family, relatives n frends..
i wish i had all of u nw...
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